What if it All Went Right?

“I have experienced a good many sorrows in my life… most of which have never happened.”  This quote by Mark Twain has many reported variations, but the common theme is that much suffering in life is for things imagined.

I often pose hypothetical situations to my children and ask them how we could make things happen.  I have one particularly “realistic” son who can usually give me all the reasons why it won’t work.  From patent issues to government regulations to general lack of public reception, there are generally multiple reasons why many of our ideas can’t be brought into reality.

I admit, I sometimes find myself in that same situation.  Making excuses for why “it” won’t work.  These imaginary road blocks that I imagine have kept me from moving forward on many occasions.  But, there are times that I haven’t listened to all those excuses and reasons and I have given myself permission to dream with the whole excitement and enthusiasm of one who has unbridled faith in the possibilities of achieving their dreams.

I have learned that there is only one cure for anxiety.  Picture the situation which scares you coming out with the best possible outcome, as though it has been orchestrated by divine guidance.

In 1998, after having several miscarriages, I found myself in the care of a fertility specialist. He ran all kinds of tests on both my husband and me and the conclusion was that while we would probably get pregnant many more times, there were about 23 reasons why we would never give birth to another child.

Fast forward 20 years, they were partially right. I did get pregnant many more times. In total I have had 42 confirmed pregnancies. However, I have given birth to 8 breathing children. 5 boys and 3 girls. In that moment if I had listened and resigned myself to someone else’s prediction for my life, I would have missed out on so much.

Instead, I expected the best, and I was rewarded for my persistence.

I used to paint the devil on the wall. I felt like if I prepared, I would be able to handle things if he showed up. What I have since learned is that I was creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Everything first exists as a thought. By imagining the worst, I am breathing life into that potentiality.

I much prefer the best possible outcome, because,

what if I make a difference?

What if I change somebody’s life for the better?

What if I am the change the world is waiting for?

I would much rather live with that potentiality…

What if it all goes right?