Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind

The Unconscious Mind is your best friend.  There are those who may disagree with me, however, once you understand the prime directives, you may never see your Unconscious Mind the same.

I will be doing a series of blog posts on each of he directives, however, to introduce you to the concept, I will list the 20 Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind as adapted from Drs. Tad & Adriana James.

  1. Stores memories
  2. Is the domain of the emotions
  3. Organizes all your memories
  4. Represses memories with unresolved negative emotion
  5. Presents repressed memories for resolution
  6. May keep the repressed emotions repressed for protection
  7. Runs the body
  8. Preserves the body – this is the highest priority.
  9. Is a highly moral being
  10. Enjoys serving, needs clear orders to follow
  11. Controls and maintain all perceptions
  12. Generates, stores, distributes and transmits “energy”
  13. Maintains instincts and generate habits
  14. Needs repetition until a habit is installed
  15. Is programmed to continually seek more and more
  16. Functions best as a whole integrated unit
  17. Is symbolic
  18. Takes everything personally
  19. Works on the principle of least effort
  20. Does not process negatives